music notes

"Teaching music is not my purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children learn fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline, and endurance. They get a beautiful heart." - Shinichi Suzuki

  • The 6th grade general music classes meet for one period every day for one semester of the year. Sixth grade is when music class starts to become a grade on the report card, so there will be a small amount of homework and some quizzes. However, most of the student's grade is based upon participation, so with some effort and a positive attitude, there is no reason for anyone to receive anything less than an excellent grade! Most of our curriculum revolves around using musical instruments to learn our concepts, which makes class so much fun! We play keyboards, ukuleles, hand bells, xylophones, and all different types of percussion instruments. We play games and use movement and listening activities, too. Most assignments will be completed in class, but there may be some times when students are asked to complete something online and submit an assignment using TEAMS or Flip Grid. 

Last Modified on August 30, 2021