• Mrs. Sally Ventura
    English Department Chair
    Room 207
    716-375-8010 x3207
    SVentura followed by @oleanschools.org

    Hybrid Learning Class Expectations

    All students - remote learners and students in both the red and gold cohorts -- will meet every day.


    To be counted as present, students must appear in a live video frame in my gallery.   Students must keep their videos on for certain class activities, such as class discussion.  Students must contact me if they have individual circumstances – sickness, for example – to request an exemption from this rule.

    Assignments must be submitted through turnitin.com    (Some exceptions will be communicated via a Teams post and my website).

    Students are encouraged to check their student portal and turnitin.com accounts regularly to make certain they are not missing assignments.  Students are also encouraged to use the individual chat function through Teams to contact me if they have questions.   I can usually respond to questions and concerns fairly quickly during the school day, 8am until 3pm.

    I am looking forward to a productive 20-21 academic year!!!

    Mrs. Ventura

Last Modified on March 12, 2021