• Dear Families,


     Welcome to Title I Reading! This class is designed to help students strengthen critical reading skills. The class is an  opportunity to sharpen skills that are needed in ALL classes and for success in many activities. It is a priceless skill that will be needed throughout life.

    Title I Reading will focus on specific skills for specific students. In Title I, we will continue with our IRLA Reading program; students will work on individual Power Goals. It is the student's responsibility to work on that goal.  Class time is used for skill instruction, independent reading, and individual conferencing. The key is to read often, read widely, and read for enjoyment!

    Students can read a book from home, from the OIMS Library, the Olean Public Library, or online. Students can use their Class Link page to find the path to ARC Bookshelf, myON (the RL link), Sora, and Tumblebooks.  I have books available in my room as well. 

    With families, teachers, and the student working together, great gains can be made!


    Please reach out to me with questions or concerns.  You may contact me through Parent Square, email, or call the school.




    Ms. Meyers

    Room 226













Last Modified on August 17, 2022