Parent Involvement – PTO
Our PTO meets at East View at 6:00 on the first Wednesday of each month. All staff and family members of students are welcome to attend.
Typically our PTO meetings last about one hour. Our meetings are divided in three segments. First, our meetings start with a Principals Report where our Principal gives a report to the teachers and a family attending about what is going on at East View and our progress toward our shared goals. The second portion of our PTO meeting involves Parent Advisement of the faculty at East View elementary school. This is the perfect forum for families to effect positive change in our school. Finally, the third portion of our meetings involves Event Planning, like field trips, carnivals and fund raising events.
Our teachers work very hard to plan end of the year field trips for our students. These trips would not be possible without fundraising by the East View PTO.
Niagara Chocolate:
The sale will typically run in January and a delivery date is typically near the Easter holiday. We make close to 50% of the total sale in profit for the PTO. This is our largest fundraising event.
Cutco Prize Raffles:
During selected months we will be raffling off different Cutco knife sets. As our corporate partner, Cutco has been very generous and supportive to our
23 fundraising efforts. Tickets will be $1 each and the drawing will take place the last school day of the selected month.Please participate in our fundraising by reaching out to your family and friends. Each dollar helps your child experience a great end to his or her school year. Again, these trips are directly funded by these fundraising events. All fund raising is done at the school wide level to avoid having families have to deal with multiple classroom level fundraising. With this is mind, we limit fund raising events and your support is greatly needed and appreciated. They are not included in the regular school budget, so the success of the four main fundraising events is crucial.