Technology is a program of instruction in the resources and systems of technology and technology’s impact on the individual society.  Technology education programs are designed to assist students of all academic levels to discover their technical interests and capabilities and to provide system-based approaches to solving technological problems.  “Hands-on, real-world” instructional activities, which incorporate concepts of science, mathematics, social science, and language arts, guide students in the design and construction of technological systems, devices and products, such as:  telecommunications, computer imaging, computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), robotics and bridge and vehicle design.

                Students electing a technology education program will complete a core 3-unit sequence, which may be extended into a sequence of five or more units by completion of additional technology education courses or those of compatible disciplines, such as, trade and industrial education.  Technology education places no restriction on the use of any of its courses by any student as electives.

                The technology Education Department at Olean High School offers the following exploratory experiences.




    A one-unit course that encourages visual problem solving using a common graphic language to describe forms in the man-made environment.  Included are six basics areas of technical drawing: orthographic, projection, pictorial, drawing, sections, auxiliaries, revolutions, transitions, and development, plus the elements of design.  To enable the students to analyze, creatively design, and critically evaluate these forms, the syllabus requires researching for historical precedents, cultural references, environmental impact and future vision.  This course can be used to fulfill the art/music requirement.




                This one unit course is a required component of each Occupational Educational sequence.  It is designed to help students develop transferable skills essential to all occupational areas.  The course is organized as two ½-unit parts.  The first part consists of the two required modules.  The Working Citizen and Personal Resource Management.  The second part is composed of two of the several optional modules which provide instruction on the skills and knowledge of a variety of occupational areas.






                This course introduces beginning students to production using wood.  The class in woodworking is hands-on and students work on a project immediately.




                A ½ unit course that teaches basic concepts and principles of technical drawing-projection, size description, pictorial representation, and techniques and tools.