Olean City School District

It takes all the Huskies to pull the sled!

Headlines - Click the arrows to the right to see all announcements

Mission and Vision

  • OCSD School Board Vision, Mission, Goal Categories, Statements, and Objectives


    Vision Statement:

    •The Olean City School District will support excellence by holding everyone to high standards in academics, character, extracurriculars, and service.

    •Our district will uphold a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and equity for all, while embracing the diversity of our community. We will create and foster a safe and positive climate for our students, staff, and families that is adaptive for the ever-changing needs of society.

    •Our students will graduate future-focused, engaged, resilient, and prepared to achieve their goals. 

    •Our staff will be learner-centered, innovative, inquisitive, professional, and committed to student success.

    •Our families will be engaged, collaborative partners in academic success for all.


    Mission Statement:

    The Olean City School District is a studentcentered community of excellence in which all members are challenged to learn, achieve, contribute, and innovate.


    2023-24 Goal Categories and Statements with Priorities


    Student Achievement: The Olean City School District will provide opportunities to support the achievement of all students as they increase their capacity for learning and progress toward excellence.

    • Offer academically rigorous courses and/or pathways
    • Increase graduation rate and increase Regents with Advanced Designation and/or Honors and/or credentials/seals.
    • Improve student proficiency in New York learning standards


    Personnel: The Olean City School District will support the recruitment, training, and retention of a highly qualified and diverse staff.

    • Recruit highly qualified staff
    • Develop and support high-performing staff
    • Retain highly effective staff


    Financial Responsibility: The Olean City School District will be a faithful steward of the community’s financial commitment to the students and will be responsible for managing all resources.

    • Ensure excellent financial management
    • Ensure efficient use of resources


    Safe and Supportive Learning Environment: The Olean City School District will provide a safe and supportive learning environment that is inclusive, nurturing, and responsive to the socio-emotional and mental health needs of all students and staff.

    • Provide support for social and emotional learning for all
    • Create and maintain a safe, orderly, positive learning environment for all that promotes attendance
    • Establish and maintain clear and high expectations for excellence for all stakeholders
    • Cultivate culturally responsive learning environments for all


    Community, Communication, and Transparency: The Olean City School District will foster trust and engagement through open two-way communication, outreach, and responsiveness to all internal and external stakeholders.

    • Increase the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement experiences
    • Improve opportunities for innovative stakeholder collaboration
    • Improve and ensure effective district internal and external communication



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Dignity for All Students Act

  • Olean City School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment, free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination for all its students. The District encourages the involvement of staff, students, parents, and community members in the implementation and reinforcement of the Dignity for All Students Act ("DASA").
    If you believe you, or someone else, has been the target of harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or discrimination, please use this form to report all allegations. 
    School/district personnel witnessing an incident or receiving a report of an incident must complete and submit this written report within two (2) school days.  NOTE: School/district personnel must also orally notify the principal, superintendent or their designee no later than one school day after witnessing or receiving a report of an incident.
    All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner.  Anonymous reports may limit the district's ability to respond to a complaint.  A prompt and thorough investigation will be conducted for all incident reports.
    If you wish to report an incident or a series of incidents , please complete this form, by clicking on this text, to submit it to the appropriate DASA coordinator.  Otherwise, you may report this to the Dignity Act coordinator in your building as soon as possible so the district can investigate and take the appropriate steps to resolve the incident.  High School: Mr. Andreano, Mr. Austin, OIMS: Mrs. DiCerbo, Mr. DiMartino, East View: Mr. Chartier, and Washington West: Ms. Stuff.

Contact Us!

  • Olean City School District Office
    410 West Sullivan Street
    Olean, NY 14760

    Superintendent: Dr. Genelle Morris
    Records Access Officer (FOIL): Jackie Reed