• Welcome to Mrs. Wenke's guidance web page.

    Name: Mary Lee Wenke
    Room Number: Guidance Dept

    Phone Number: 375-8073

    Welcome to Mrs. Wenke's guidance page. 
    I am the guidance counselor for 7th grade, 6th grade, Orange  Team and the following 5th grade teachers.  Mrs. Griffen, Ms.Burrows, Mrs. Hamed, and Mrs. Bess-Edwards. 
    For helpful tips, please visit the OIMS Guidance Department website.  It is listed under the
    yellow tab where the different teams are listed.
    I can be reached by email at mwenke followed by oleanschools.org. 
    To set up a team meeting in
    regards to your child, please call
    the guidance department at 375-8064


    7th grade - 1:10-1:35
    Orange team - 10:05-10:30
    Red team - 12:20 - 1:00 
Last Modified on March 22, 2020